An old method for new media

This is a fresh blog to go with a new year and a new direction. My name is Paul Hogan and i'm a photography student attending Coventry University, under the stewardship of Jonathan Worth and Paul smith.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

The Power of the network

Today, we received a great lecture into the science of networks. Their application and there uses were explained fully and my corrupt brain just constantly made me think of all the bad things. Maybe its because i watch a series called Battlestar Galactica. In the said series, networks are used to disable all defences of an entire race through the spread of logic bombs and virus's. Now, whilst were a long way away (sadly) from interstellar travel and combat i do think that there are many downsides to the network that we really need to address. 

Networks are more and more being used to spy/ 'hac'/exploit the common man for numerous purposes. Take spyware as a very innocent example. Spyware in the most cases is designed to follow you as you explore the wonders of the world wide web. It'll look to see where you go most and build up a profile on you, it'll become your secret friend and then suggest targeted products and adverts that will most appeal to you. Facebook, the social networking site is the worst for this, i log in now to exclusively photography and live music based adverts.
With the right software, these can of course be nuked back to the dark ages of dial up and far away from your hard drive, but you are fighting a loosing battle to think you are always spyware free.
The main problem with networks though i find, is with social networks. Its turned everyone and their mom into a part time spy turned voyeur. I dont get the need to update every bowel movement i have but the amount of information shared over networks now is beyond silly. In the united kingdom we kick up and laugh every time someone looses some important data on a train but then go home and tell anyone who care's to listen or hack into any accounts our darkest and inner most secrets. Perhaps im old school, from a different generation where sudo-names were recommended and every application form was filled in with the address of the geeky kid from science class but im not comfortable in giving anything away freely without a suitable return. 

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