An old method for new media

This is a fresh blog to go with a new year and a new direction. My name is Paul Hogan and i'm a photography student attending Coventry University, under the stewardship of Jonathan Worth and Paul smith.

Sunday 7 March 2010

location scouting and theory craft

Spent the day location scouting for places we can apply the pre Raphael-ite paintings I've chosen to attempt to replicate for the picbod# module and i've come away with a degree of success. Not as much as i was hoping for, but then again, there's only so much you can do in late winter when your relying on greenery. I also have had the question of colour or black and white come up and i need to address that a.s.a.p.

Firstly, here are the images im going to try and modernise...

(info i'll fill out in a few on each image)

These images have in part been chosen because i think they best suit the model i have for them and in part because there locations are easily replaceable. But also because the clothing all has one simple characteristic, it flows. Tomorrow i will find an outfit to use for this, as its Rosie it'll probably end up being tie dye or hippyish to look at, but long and flowing. 

Ive whacked on my flickr account (which you can get to on the right) the location shots ive taken for these images and now i just need to prey the weather holds out for me so i can get these images done in time. 

I've whacked a colour one on there and some black and white ones. Something i want to talk through with jonathan tomorrow is whether he thinks i should go digital+colour+professional printing. Colour film+professional printing or monochrome film and print myself. I've found a few places who's quality seem good enough and their lead times are around 48hrs. So no real pressure there. 

Im still passing masonry, but instead of breeze-blocks im down to rubble. 

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