An old method for new media

This is a fresh blog to go with a new year and a new direction. My name is Paul Hogan and i'm a photography student attending Coventry University, under the stewardship of Jonathan Worth and Paul smith.

Saturday 6 March 2010

picbod# catch-up; The clothed Body

There is definitely a lesson in this project that i have learned that i did not expect to and that is to use caution when choosing subjects close to you over long periods. When i first set out on this project i was planning on a simple but striking overview of the relationship i share with my partner and how we interact. I figured i'd take lots of photo's of my normal everyday life and base the narrative around my own life, as a visual diary of a few weeks. but that has simply not happened.

I did not know it at the time, but my partner had a few issues she needed to work through and in turn, that we needed to work through. This coupled with a fairly serious bout of S.A.D meant that a lot of my motivation and stability left me for a good two months. During this time i continued shooting my partner, taking pictures when i felt it was appropriate or when we'd been close enough to attempt it and what im left with are some images i struggle to look at. They are probably just some crappy, piss poorly framed portraits to you, but to me i can see the anguish in her face and remember them as a very negative time. Its taken a long time for me to try to post product these, i think the last photo i took for this project that i was happy with was back in week 2 and contained her next to the window in here flat (5? posts back). These may not be the best photo's in the world and they definitely wont be winning any competitions, but the photo's bellow mean a lot to me. More now because i believe we have started to overcome our problems. They are a yardstick in my life and mark the lowest point in a good 5 years, they remind me how much things have got better already.

I'm also becoming overly obsessed with narrative. maybe im trying to do too much with these images. I want them to be awesome alone. I want them to stand out as being quality photography and i want people to understand why i took them. I want people to feel like they know the person in the image or can at least relate to what they make me feel like looking at them. But i fear there just flat staple images. I'll whack more on my flickr if people want to look further into them.

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